
New Flickr update. We're headed to France in a few days so it may be a while before the next update goes live.

This vacation has been good for me -- although, not being able to totally escape, in the evenings, I still work on a site that has been dogging me since Christmas... I have a love/hate relationship with mySQL.

more photos!

ok, so i still need to catch up on writing.. i'll post more when i have more written.. until then, go visit the flickr site! it's FILLED with photos now! with even higher res versions! we bought more room on flicr so now we're not restricted by bandwidth. remember to scroll over some parts of some photos.. there's this cool thing on flickr where i can leave notes on top of photos! you can find some hidden funnies there.. haha.. enjoy!!
going to paris tomorrow! yay!



so we finally found an internet cafe. it's pretty expensive to use our laptops.. 1 pound per hour.. bleh.. well, it's 25 pence for every 15 minutes after that, so that's not so bad... for some reason, dave's laptop doesn't work though.. weird..

so, i don't think blogger will let me backdate, so i've posted the two entries i finished in wordpad.. hopefully those will keep you guys busy till our next post..! remember to check out http://www.flickr.com/photos/kuuhaku/ for our pictures! now that we know this cafe is here, we'll definitely try to post on a more regular basis..

i guess that's all for now..! till next time! :D

may 21 - day two!

ahhhhhhhhhhhh, can you say AWESOME??? le awesome day today and it's only our 2nd day here and WOW ART. so, woke up at 9 today so we could meet up with my aunt to go check out the victoria and albert museum for the modernist exhibiton (special exhibition! needed to pay 7 pounds to get in!). three words. totally. worth. it.
i took this art history course in first year called notions of modernity. it was, obviously, about the modernist movement in art. the rebelling of wars, the change in architecture, design, lifestyle, etc. and how it affected artists and their work. and in this exhibition.. were those pieces of works. everything from my textbook and then some.. were in this exhibition. i got to see schlemmer's pieces, drawings and paintings by mondrian, man ray, moholy nagy, ready-mades by duchamp, picabia's drawings.. gropius' bauhaus influences, ARP! ..i saw an original arp art piece. and pieces that were used in schelmmer's triadic ballet from the bauhaus. i am still in shock and awe. it is SO different to see these pieces in real life. i am so very lucky and grateful that i was given this opportunity to come here and catch all these shows. it was pure coincidence that all these galleries and museums that we're visiting also have special, exclusive exhibitions that i'm extremely interested in. dave, my aunt and i arrived at the V&A around 11:30 and went straight for the modernist exhibition. wow, the exhibition was just HUGE. we're so used to smallish, limited exhibitions at the AGO or the ROM, but this V&A museum. wow.. the modernist exhibition seemed like it went on forever. which was fine by me! haha.. the exhibition covered everything from early modernism, starting with various pieces of architecture, paintings and sketches, and then going into detail, fleshing out the various media and themes artists chose to express their frustrations and inspirations with at the time. there were rooms for architecture (living spaces), machines, performance art, body and health, furniture and anything else you can imagine that came out of the modernist era. it was nuts... my eyeballs were just about ready to pop out of my head by just being in the presence of such amazing art.

after the exhibiton, we shopped around at the gift shop that was especially geared towards the modernist exhibition and then went around the V&A's permenant collection for a while. this museum... is huge.. so very huge and just packed with all types of art. we went and saw the japanese art section (full of kimonos, swords, furnature, armour.. anything and everything).. also saw the chinese art section (filled with amazing paintings and CRAZY pieces of furnature, carved with intricate and obsessive compulsive detail.. and even modern chinese art). then.. we went to the raphael cartoon wing.. OH MY this place is huge.. it was like walking into a basillica. it had a huge nave and an apse at one end with a semicircular dome. unfortunately, there was no photography allowed... but me and dave both sketched the hall in my sketchbook and then took pics of the sketches.. haha.. the hall contained cartoons that raphael had drawn (cartoons are HUGE paintings on papers that are pieced together so they can be copied by weavers into tapestries). these cartoons were probably 20-30 feet wide.. huuuuuge-ness-ness.
oh! and another thing! in the main hall of the V&A, there's this CRAZY HUUUUGE glass chandelier.. we will definitely post pics of that too.. the V&A's permanent exhibitions are freeee so we will definitely go again. after poking around the main V&A gift shop for a bit, jen called to let us know she was already at the science museum so we ran over there to catch up with her.. becaaaause.. we were going to see the PIXAR exhibition!!! all about all the animations pixar did! it was crazy! full of original sketches, paintings, drawings, animations and even resin cast character figures! oh man, so much stuff to seeeee! all the movies pixar ever made were all featured in the exhibition! once again, totally worth the money.. and we got 20% off tickets too! when me, dave and my aunt walked into the museum, a lady was giving out postcards for 20% off tickets! but she only had 2 left.. so we took them and then saw jen and her friend yuki. we went to go buy tickets and asked if we could use the 20% off for our whole group and at first, the lady said a group is with 10 or more people, but she was nice enough to let us use it for our group of 5 so admission was only 5.60 pounds each for us students! yay! already an awesome start.. so after checking in our bags (there was a strict rule saying we couldn't bring bags bigger than an A4 size sheet of paper in), we went to the exhibit.. everything was so awesome. drawings and art from a bug's life, the incredibles, toy story, all their short films, that new car movie.... everything was there.. even some of the resin models they used for mapping out the characters' skulls were there.. it was crazy. and the last room of the exhibition was this movie theatre-like place.. where they showed a short movie of how pixar brings its backgrounds to life from 2D to 3D. it was crazy. the projectors were 1200x1024 pixels and there were FOUR of them, simultaneously running to project on a wall that was easily over 50 ft long. there were 4 computers, each wtih dual core pentiums running each projector and nVidia video cards with special daughter cards that let all 4 video cards talk to each other so they showed the correct frame at the exact time. (LOL, all geekingness provided by dave's memory and love for geeky things).
leading directly outside the mini theatre was the makeshift gift shop (i say makeshift cuz it looked like it was built in the middle of nowhere). here, we found way too many things we wanted to get, but we settled on a 12 pack of postcards (and a few other postcards that didn't come in the pack, but we liked), a pixar catologue for the exhibition (we later discovered the book was actually made for MoMA for the same exhibition), and a few other goodies. jen was really into the exhibition and stayed till it ended. me, dave and my aunt wandered around outside in the main hall of the museum taking random pictures until jen and yuki came out. we definitely will be going back to the science museum. it is filled with such cool stuff.. it's like the science center in toronto but 100 times better and BIGGER. photography is allowed so we'll definitely take pics.
after the science museum, we hopped onto a bus (a double decker london bus! O_O) and rode to soho.. deeper in central london to look for food to eat. we ended up at a portugese restaurant that was famous for it's roast chicken (and spicyness of said chicken). it was another one of those restaurants where you had to order at the counter, pay, and then the food comes delivered to your table. it's pretty funny, cuz you even have to seat yourself.. as in, they give you a metal stick with a wooden chicken at the end of it with a table number and then you have to GO and find your table!! crazy!! you even get your own plates and utensils and any condiments you want. so we sat down, figured out what we wanted to eat and then went up to order. my aunt actually treated us to the meal which was really nice of her. oh! so to order, you have to take the chicken on the stick with your table number with you and bring it with you to the ordering counter so they know which table to bring it to. oh! and the chicken on a stick has it's own place/holder in this wooden ..menu holder at the table. so yeah, we ate a lot of chicken and a lot of fries (or chips, as they call them here).. you'll see by the picture.. lol.. me and dave ordered this.. meal platter, as did jen and yuki and it all came on one huge plate, with the fries piled up like a mountain. it was so funny cuz we also ordered a JUMBO spicy rice as an extra side and when it came.. oh my, it was so funny.. me and dave were both thinking the same thing: "THAT'S a jumbo???" it was seriously about the size and quantity of a single bowl of rice from back home in toronto, but 5 times as expensive.. haha.. anyway, the food was pretty good (although it reminded me of swiss chalet, sorta..) and after dinner, jen's friend yuki showed us her handmade jewelry! she went to the same school as jen and specialized in jewerly making and man.. lemme tell you.. that girl is crazy. all of her jewelry pieces were so conceptual and unique. nothing i had ever seen before... she had a ring where.. if you looked at it from a certain angle under a light, the ring would cast a shadow of a heart on your hand. O__O there were so many others, but one of my favourites was the bracelet where it was basically like a puzzle piece. two pieces could be separated and joined as one to be worn as a bracelet! dave took pics.. you have to see them.. so cool.. she handmakes all her jewelry and tries to sell them to stores. all of her pieces are so unique and creative.. i can't believe she's having such a hard time selling them... but i guess that's the fate of being an artist.. sigh.. always so unstable...

anyway, after dinner, we finally headed home after a loooong day.. and argh, my poor feet.. i'm still not used to my new insoles yet so my feet were killing me after the day was done. i wish i could soak my feet in something, but we only have a shower and not a bathtub. after coming home, we actually ended up going out again to just scour the area for some internet cafes.. there are a few across the way and there's even one at mcdonald's! lol.. unfortunately, we haven't had a chance to go yet.. going out late at night is a tad scary..so we just went to the grocery to pick up some drinks and headed home.. and then sleep time!!! zzzz...

may 20th - first day

wah!! first day in england!! so tired!! hahaha.. where to begin?? i guess toronto.. haha.. dave's parents drove us to the airport after an intense suitcase packing session. that stereotype of filipinos being amazing packers is entirely 100% true. i saw it with my own two eyes... haha.. dave's dad took the 407 to get us to the airport in record time. we checked in as soon as we got there and there were no problems at all. our flight was scheduled to leave at 9:50 p.m. and the lady told us to be at the gate by 8:50, latest. we were there ato 7:00.. haha.. kinda overkill but better safe than sorry. we found a duty free shop to buy my cousin some duty free goodings and then went and loafed at our gate. we ended up being the last group to board cuz we were in row 11 which is near the middle of the plane where the emergency exits are. omg, the plane was SO unbelieveably small. i guess that's what you get for saving about $200 on airfare. it was sooo cramped and i knew it wasn't going to be a pleasant flight. i had all my junk food and GUM in our 1 hand carry luggage and as soon as we got on the plane, that bag was shoved into the overhead compartment and never seen again till we landed. so i had no gum, no nothing.. to help with the popping of ears. of course, as soon as we took off, i felt air sick. the first 2 hours were quite unpleasant until i fell asleep. the first in-flight movie was "last holiday" starring queen latifah. i tried watching some of it but it made me way too airsick.. i managed to sleep for a few hours (i think) and i felt a lot better afterwards. dave, on the other hand, started getting air sick after i woke up. it was hard for him to sleep sitting upright and so cramped.
anyway, i ended up sleeping for a bit longer.. the flight seemed sooo much longer than i thought it would be. i guess it was cuz it was so uncomfortable. bleh..

anyway, getting off the plane was fine.. legs felt like jelly, but it felt good to get up and walk again.. when we got into gatwick, it was kind of confusing.. lol.. we were supposed to go through customs but we couldn't figure out where to go. a nice security guard directed us into the right direction.. ..right behind a HUGE LONG line.. omg.. it was all wind-y and out the door and around the corner.. and yeah.. but it actually moved pretty quickly.. unfortunately though, we were carrying HEAVY carry ons so arms were starting to get tired. lesson learned: PACK LIGHT when on a chartered flight.. lol.. no room to put anything.. sigh. we got through customs just fine and found our luggage really quickly. and those rolly rolly carts are FREE unlike pearson where you have to pay $2 for it. so yeah, that was a positive note. so we followed the signs with all our luggage on the rolly rolly and found ourselves in a train station, which is where we wanted to be. we bought return tickets for the gatwick express so we could go to victoria station to hop onto the TUBE to earls court where our place to stay was.

surprisingly, we didn't get lost.. haha.. we bought our rail pass ok (a 7 day pass for 22.40 pounds) and hauled our luggage up and down way too many stairs and finally arrived at earls court studios. i am eternally grateful to dave for dragging and lifting the heaviest luggages. >_< i'm sorry i'm so weak.. hahaha.. anyway, as soon as we got to earls court studios, my aunt agnes was already there, waiting for us! we met the manager guy (don't know what his name is.. haha) and he seems extremely nice. we were assigned to room number 15 and it's up like.. 5 flights of stairs.. omg.. so killer.. haha.. and they're pretty narrow too. poor dave.. >< but as soon as we got into the room.. O______O WOW NICE. i mean, it's small, but it's huge in london standards. it's like a bachelor apartment (but probably smaller). the bed is next to the counter which has the sink, microwave and oven.. so we're basically sleeping in the kitchen.. woo.. the washroom is really nice too.. very new.. everything looks sooo nice! we got really lucky.. haha..

well, first thing was first. SHOWER. omg, so sticky and nasty from the plane ride + the dragging of lots of luggage through the streets of london. felt so much better. then, dave activated the sim card we got at victoria station and i gave my cousin jennifer a call (or a "ring" as they say here.. haha).. we decided to meet at the Tate Modern since they close pretty late on saturdays. after me and dave finished getting all our gear together, we all went to my aunt's place so she could check into her room. OMG her room is SOOOOOOOOOOooo small. it's about the size of a walk in closet. lol. it has a desk, a small closet/dresser.. and the BATHROOM.. omg. is literally like.. 4x4 feet. maybe smaller. the doors to the washroom look like closet doors. haha. i didn't even know there was a bathroom there.. took some pics cuz it was nuts. will definitely post 'em as soon as we find internetings.

so after my aunt was all checked in, off we went to the Tate Modern! we hopped onto the tube and went to Blackfriars station. lol, we really didn't know where we were going and i really think we just found the Tate Modern by pure luck. haha. we had to go over this bridge called the Millenium bridge and it was SO windy. the bridge is all metal and is above the Thames River. the Tate Modern is huge. both inside and out. it's SUCH an amazing gallery. words cannot even describe. it was free to see their regualar exhibitions, so when we met up with jennifer and her friend laura (i think that was her name), we wandered around the 3rd floor. OH MY.. oh my oh my.. picasso, monet, matisse, braque..! my mind! she was blown! so much modern art! all there, right in front of me! and i know i will say this for the duration of the entire trip, but DAMN.. art looks SO MUCH BETTER in real llife. textbook pictures really.. REALLY don't do them justice. we saw a monet.. i don't even remember what it was called (it was one of his waterlilly paintings) and the first thing that struck me was.. the sheer size of it..! it was HUGE.. HUUUGE.. and WOW DETAIL! all the detail gets lost in translation from painting to photograph. my eyes were like O______O and i was in art heaven.. haha.. we didn't really stay there for too long though cuz we were really tired and HUNGRY so we ended up leaving a bit prematurely to find food. ended up a little down the river at a pub and ate there. haha, highlight of the dinner = MUSHY PEAS. ok, so apparently mushy peas is a STAPLE, TRADITIONAL side that goes with fish and chips. it is completely and totally normal for one's order of fish and chips to come with a pool of mushy, smashed peas. and dave wasn't too happy about that. haha.. oh my, the look on his face after trying the mushy peas was priceless.. haha.. so yeah, it was pretty hilarious. jen's friend kept laughing at dave's non-liking of the glob of mushy peas. oh, another thing to mention was the weirdess of the ordering of foodings. so, apparently, at this pub, we had to go up to the bar and order our food. and then PAY for it there after ordering. and then the food gets brought to us! it was so weird..! so there was no tipping, no giving of the bill. and the food came really fast too.. O_o gonna take some getting used to..

anywho, after din din, my aunt went back to her place, while me, dave, jen and her friend went back to the tate modern. we stayed at the the gift shop on the main level for a bit (yes, there is more than ONE gift shop holy cow) and then me and dave headed "home." we made a short detour across the tate to st. paul's cathedral to take some pics. it was so funny, you have to see the pictures to understand.. haha.. after that, even though we were tired, we decided to go to the supermarket down the street from our place to do some grocery shopping before going back to the studios. lol, the supermarket was so full of .. obviously everything unfamiliar, but also SO COOL. unfortunately, we weren't able to find a wide variety of foodage since it was closing soon. managed to walk away with some fresher foods like bread products and meat so it was totally worth it. and so here i am now. haha.. we still need to find some internets. i'm just typing this in wordpad as i.. type.. lol.. hope to post pictures too! i'm so giddy with the art-ness.


new blog!

yay! welcome to our blog! we'll be posting here during our trip to the UK and France.. please ignore the title.. dave totally chose it so we'll replace it when we think of a better title.. hahaha..
